Monthly Archives: December 2009

Two States. The story of my marraige by Chetan Bhagat

I bought this book yesterday from the street kids that you’ll find on every other signals in Delhi. Yes it’s sad, whenever I see these kids, all I want to do is start a movement there, all kids will attend school, no exceptions in this country. But it’s not so simple, but I can’t see why that’s so difficult either? F***. It’s the worse to feel hopeless, and even worse when yuo fear you will get lost on the way if you start out. I can promises to myself like I have in the past, but this will not make a change today. I hope someday there is a change that I can contribute and then talk about it.

Sorry, totally got off the track.

So, the book is lovely! The plot is great, the story telling is great and it pulls you into it and makes you miss it when it ends, like I am feeling right now.

It’s about this couple who are from different communities and want to get married. But they decide that to elope away is not their way and they will get their parents to agree. It’s funny and real. I suggest a must read. You also learn a few things about the two different cultures. 

I just love this writer. He has this ‘one among you’ feeling to his words. I love his simple, no big dictionary words, humor filled stories. He also seems so down to earth, dunno if in real. Btw his family stays in the same colony that I am living in right now. 🙂

I started reading after dinner and was awake till 3am and then completed the last bit today while travelling.


Filed under Blogroll, books, feelings, Hobbies, Interesting, interpret, random, reading, thoughts

Here’s the thing..

Things have been going ‘weird’ lately. I mean if you look at it all it seems okay, but when my mind is seeing it, it’s so weird. Let me explain:

Finances: Have you heard that the saying ‘Love will keep us alive’ & ‘love is all you need’.. It’s all bullshit! nothing like that. I mean we’re a family of four and we love each other a lot. But since me and sis are the bread earners of the family, everything has been so rocky lately. we both earn and yes its decent in total, but then she’s like super lazy and doesn’t get her entire pay, it always cut out on late day, which means half days, and much infuriating this month was she bought some office stuff and lost the bills, leaving a couple of grands to be deducted from her salary. WTF!! and then she doesn’t even have the guts to go and speak up for herself when required. Otherwise she’s all talkative and social, but when you need to speak for yourself she got this big ego and image to show off. I mean what? what do you want to show off, that you’re an heiress or sumthng. you’re not..get real man! I’m sorry if this sounds like totally bitching about my sis (which is what it is) but then I am so tired of it all. why am I bloody doing something i don’t like for the family and trying to get things to get better and all she does is be careless, lazy, spending money around, and if you say anything she’s all angry and she’s impossible. I can only do so much on my own, I need her help, and I’ve tried every way to make her understand that, talks, fights, arguments, crying, everything, and its been 2 years of all this going on. I feel exhausted and drained. And the sad part is that she feels like we push her for getting money.. c’mon my mom sold the house to get us through college, she sold all her jewelery, she begged from my grandparents, and now we need to pull this together and get stable status. And she doesn’t realize, we have to say that to her.. ignorant and shameless can you get? I’m so pissed off.. just had a bloody fight with her..I knw she must be hurt,, but I’m dying here…and all for nothing at the end of the month, we’re again at 0. crap!!

Work : This new role is bugging me. I’m scared and even more than that its confusing and I don’t have any guidance. I know it’s just matter of time, but something unsettled always makes my mind be jiffy type. It’s weird, but then something.. i don’t know what..i’m even having dreams about work and its so frustrating, coz I’m trying to put things to place, but now it’s not just me but also other people i need to manage. and then that too tactfully, coz one of them is my friend ‘D’ and both started out at the same time and now I want to take charge of things, but I have to keep in mind that she doesn’t feel like I’m bossing and its so much thinking before i do or say anything. i guess its time to learn all the office politics and social stuff, that i am so not used to and so against. phew!! more than work it’s all mind stuff, you know, thinking about stuff, and handling all.. exhausting!!!

Friends: It’s actually just one friend, ‘A’ it think I have mentioned him earlier as ol’ fren or something.. dun remember..anyways so we have been very good friends and we’ve been though a lot. But lately he started acting like he didn’t care and wouldn’t make any efforts. I mean since my birthday that was in september, I have been constantly asking him to make plan to meet, go clubbing, movies something. but he’s like no always. I feel really bad. I mean why can’t you make time for friends, and its understandable if you’re busy, but it can’t be for 3 months regularly. I feel so bad, that now even making a small effort for me feels like so much to him. I would make all the effort for him if I could. But he makes me feel so unwanted and as if I’m trying to get something from him. It’s sad! we had this plan to meet tomorrow and he’s like ya I even have some work there, so I said lets meet somewhere else, and he’s like what if I have work there. I told him that I knew if he didn’t have any work then he wouldn’t come to meet, but he didn’t agree and i felt it was useless to say anything much as he didn’t realize how much he has been hurting me by behaving so rude and distant. I told him we will meet tomorrow, but I won’t. I’m too emotional and he’s too insensitive, always has been, and feeling unwanted in front of him while he doesn’t understand why I feel that, will be too painful. Sad! I call him my best friend and even though I know I can call him anytime and talk to him about anything, he’s started to stay away and on purpose. he’s becoming someone else. maybe he doesn’t need me as a friend, maybe i shouldn’t feel so bad. It’s really painful. 😦

Other stuff: haven’t been able to start my book yet. I spent the entire day today sitting on the bed with my notepad open and thinking. NOTHING!! my hands didn’t move.. maybe I am not in the right state of mind to tell a story. The dating scene has been all quite, after I stopped talking to New guy at all. Guitar practice is the only thing that’s keeping me a little happy. A few more songs on the (practice)list.

‘I love you till the end’ from P.S. I love you.

‘Way back into love’ from Music and Lyrics.



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Let’s start afresh, 2010 New Year Resolutions

Hmm… Now this requires some thought, lots actually. I’ll try to be specific, practical and keep the list real and measurable, so by the end of the year I know where I have reached.

1. Complete my book. Gotta do this. Really have to.

2. Join an NGO – start any form of voluntary work.

3. Loose all the flab and get in shape – for good and stay that way forever. (PS: starting from Jan 1st week)

4. Become a pro guitarist (btw I got a couple of songs in my kitty already, next post will explain)

5. Buy a car. I don’t care how I do it, I need that.

6. Move to NEW YORK, or atleast start seeing some real hope on it.

7. Earn double my current salary.

8. SAVINGS!! can’t emphasize enough on this. THIS IS A MUST.

9.  Stay in the game. I’m guessing the more people I meet the more clear I’ll get in my head as to ‘WHAT I WANT’.

10. Listen to that INNER VOICE. Trust my INTUTION and gut feeling. I can’t count the no. of times I’ve heard myself saying, ‘oh this did come to my mind but I didn’t trust my gut then’

11. I need control that ‘IMPULSIVE – say whatever comes to your mind instantly’ nerve. Actually, looking at last year, I have done it little, but some more control these.

12. Love myself more. Be good and love myself for it. (I’m so critical about myself, I am)

13. Swimming lessons – be a pro. This year its going to be freestyle & underwater. (right now I only know breast stroke 🙂 )

14. Jazz – Need to start classes again. I don’t mind going for Salsa either. Anyways i should be dancing.

15. Wardrobe – please need to get stuff and this is very much dependent on point # 7 and #8.

16. Get a PROMOTION!!! I think this should be done by mid-year i.e if I believe my ex-manager’s words.

17. Get ‘OK’ with what I do for a living. Ya, this is a major thing.

18. BE WHERE YOU ARE. Not in office and writing blogs or thinking guitar, not at home and having nightmares about work.

19. Finances – take control. Manage.

20. Life – manage.

21. overall – improve management skills.

22. Get extremely particular on TIME and make this a habit and not extra effort. Always on time for everything.

23. Get slim girl and stay that way. No more loosing and gaining and loosing ..and on so on stuff.

24. Think family and think self – need to manage these two efficiently.  My scales are usually too much on either side and that leaves any one part being ignored.


Not too measurable ones there.. but that’s my list for now.

What’s on your list?


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Open Question for my beloved readers

Firstly, thanks for visiting!

And now that you are here I will ask you something, a favor, a little help, a bite of confidence, a spoon of moral boost. Please!! *with wet- eyes-puppy expression*

Is there anything on my blogspace that you feel that deserves to be on magazine page? Something you would pay to read?

This might take some of your precious time, but if you can please.




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Why can’t I get REAL or GROW UP??

I know it’s probably a little too late to ask that question or even say that out aloud, but seriously, why isn’t there an automated part in our (if you don’t identify with me then only ‘my’) brains that turns off all the dreamy dreams-anything and everything is so good thinking. I mean who is like a grown up 24-year-old working responsible person, still thinking that there is going to be this amazing guy who will come into her life and be crazy about her, madly in love with her, with all the good and the bad, who will be too good and accept her and love her and make her so happy and she will always be loved and happy. And yes she will love him soo much too ?? ME, ME!! Idiot!! damn…

I may be sounding like a needy street puppy looking at you eating food with his wet, black, hypnotizing eyes, but you know what, it high time. High time for me to take the road that I want is real. Either I need to leave this little girl in me, who’s still living the dream world or I need a miracle and wake up in wonderland, which is less likely to happen so, wake me up.

If you don’t believe me, then please read on and amuse yourself –

1. I actually believe that LOVE will be unconditional. He would love me like crazy and I believe it will be true. I am waiting for it too.

2. If I like someone, i.e apart from boy-girl kinna thing, like when I’m fond of a person, I feel you can express it whenever you feel. Like when you meet someone after a long time and you may not be the closest of people for each other, but if you feel happy and overwhelmed, then I actually think and feel like hugging that person tight. We may be apart later, even enemies or not even talking, but for now, what happens next should not stop you from expressing what you feel. It doesn’t make me vulnerable at all, I think it would only make me a warmer person and a loving heart.

3. I take sides, like in fights, arguments. It’s not something I am proud of, but if you’ve done something wrong to my friends, family, someone I care about and I have their part of the story and I believe them, then there is nothing in the world that will make me think anything positive about you, i.e. even if I cancel out the negative. Because somehow loyalty to my people comes into my mind. Even taking an opinion that is not on their side makes me feel like a betrayer. Very similar like a school fight, you’re on either team, there is no middle-no-opinion.


Had other examples to prove my point, but then I left in-between and went and had breakfast (Unhealthy burger, not much cheese) and now can’t seem to think of my stupid ways.

Lesson Learnt: Never leave a piece in-between without jotting the next points somewhere.

God! This so feels like an awfully self obsessed piece. But hey, its my space… so whatever!



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Just to say I’m still alive..

Its been a while since I’ve been here. actually, I would visit everyday, open the blog stats, visit my regular reads and then close it out. Work, mindlessness(don’t know if that’s even a word), words stuck in my throat, speaking with muted voice.. something similar was happening. 

So howz life going on? Having fun yet ?? No, I’m not mocking.. seriously.. I’m just!

I’ve been busy with work and although there isn’t much work, most of the time I’m thinking about how to start my new role, what all strategy should I work on, how should I manage it all, arrange work, sort it all. Something that I’ve not done, yet need to mould into. It’s exciting, confusing, little nervous. I know I’ll take it all up and be super good at it but then only thing is there is no one to guide me, so I need to be cautious, extra cautious. 🙂 I sound nervous right,.. I am. 🙂

Btw I won that award I was talking about. 🙂 So its a brand new Microwave for mom (I get to buy it from the catalogue with the points I scored). Yay!!

Apart from that, Mr USA return was wanting to go out for the weekend, so he messaged me and then I replied that we can go for movie like on the weekend. Then we spoke a few days after and I was like who all are coming, he said I don’t know if you’re coming alone then I’ll come alone too , else I’ll get a friend, I was like we’ll get bored just the two of us. So finally Friday evening it was me, him and my sis. We went for ‘New Moon’ which was so good, except I missed Edward, And rest it was good jolly company. Since sis is a pretty fun person and the guy was all not al all snob but rather easy-going with any company, so it was fun. He didn’t hit on me or anything which was good actually.

Good time.

Haven’t stepped out of home entire weekend, have been glued to the guitar and now I got 3 songs in my kitty (all broken and not fluent) but will practice.

I’ve got-Lucky ali- kya aisa hi hota hai pyaar (almost perfect)

Greenday – time of you life (1 week more and then perfect)

Pearl jam – last kiss (this needs work, C-Chord ..kills my fingers)

So with bruised fingertips (left hand) I’m typing all this, sitting in my pyjama and smelly buffed up pullover. Btw Delhi has gone cold, I can’t imagine no socks.

Just oiled my hair, and will change and go to buy a cheap mobile after i get some tea (mom.. pleasee. I’m begging her and she’s snuck in the blankets ready to take her naps, which she calls jhapki, which is no close to quick 🙂 ). We had 4 mobiles, and only 1 is left working and me and sis keep switching our simcards and its been bloody irritating.

Wat a life.. music,, back to  guitar…some more bruises might make me feel of some worth. 🙂 I’m behaving like a loser I know.. 🙂

Btw New Year is here, you guys got plans???  I really want to go somewhere.. please take me with you. see such a loser state… lol!!


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Life is a Mayonnaise Jar

This is the story that I was telling you all about, that my friend sent me via mail and I like it.

Read on! Especially for people like me, who keep feeling like nothing is happening every once in few days. It  gives you clear wa y of looking at waht you’re doing and how it makes a difference in you life.


The Mayonnaise Jar
When things in your life seem, almost too much to handle,
When 24 Hours in a day is not enough,
Remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee.


A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.

 He then asked the students, if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

 The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar.  He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open Areas between the golf balls.

 He then asked the students again if the jar was full.  They agreed it was.

 The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.

He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous ‘yes.’

 The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively

filling the empty space between the sand.  The students laughed.


‘Now,’ said the professor,   as the laughter subsided,

‘I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things – family,children, health, Friends, and Favorite passions. Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, Your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else –The small stuff.’


‘If you put the sand into the jar first,’  He continued,

‘there is no room for  the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you.’

 So… Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play With your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner.

 There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal.

 ‘Take care of the golf balls first -The things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.’

 One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.

 The professor smiled, ‘I’m glad you asked’. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there’s always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.’

 Please share this with other “Golf Balls”

I just did……

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Where did my weekend go??

Okay, so the bucket list was not even taken a second glance at and the weekend went away in much of a rush, but all fun.

Saturday –

My office pal ‘R’, who stays close by my place and we share the office cab everyday, she came to my place early in the morning, like 11:30am-12:00pm something and that was so early, considering I slept at 3 am (reme’br d last post). She had come with her mom and my mom and her mom got talking and we were chit-chatting, then we ordered food and all had lunch. All wrapped up till 4pm. She had plans to meet some old friend of hers, who was getting along a friend who was visiting from USA, so she asked me and I was like lets see. Then I asked ‘A’ if his office party would be any good or not, else I would accompany ‘R’ (being a little selfish here) and finally I decided I definitely need to meet some new people. So we got ready and all then met up again, left for market place where we were to meet them. While we were waiting for R’s friend to come, there was this guy standing there and looking at me. He lind of was staring like admiring type, but I didn’t pay much heed coz obviously stranger. After a few minutes, R’s friend turns up with this girl (who was supposedly his cousin’s friend) and then the staring guy comes up to join, and he’s the ‘Mr. US return’ (quite a long name I know. can’t think of anythn else). Anyways, he was Ok. he was fair, about 5’7.5″, average features, average dressing, shoes were bad,, some woodland type and yes,  he’s also on the way to a shiny bright bald crown. But still he seemed ok. Then we went roaming around to this local flea market and I was upset by the choice of place, but then it was like friends meeting up, so I didn’t say much.  Then I suggested we go for drinks and then we had to walk a hell lot. Btw did I mention I was looking very nice. 🙂 I just took bath and washed & had blow dry my hair (they look the best dat way) and then I was wearing blue slim fit jeans (but not sticky can’t breathe in type) that ended at just below my ankle and showed off my newest gladiator heels, that I had bought sometime back, then a black woollen buttoned top that has puffed and rouched(how do u spell it) quarter sleeves,  over this I wore a nice bright but not shocking Blue coat. Yes, blue! and I can carry it very well. Some simple make up and I felt like gossip girl, ready to step onto Manhattan streets. 🙂   back to hell of walking around and then finally coming to a place where we sat at a lounge and had couple of drinks. The guys were quarrelling over who’s taking the cheques in funny way, which was very annoying but we totally ignored as we didn’t care much as long as they’re not looking at our faces for it. I even suggested to ‘mr. USA return’ that let me know the pool in amount and he’s like ‘No, I’ll take care of it’. One point there. 🙂 Now this guy works in the same field as mine and was back home after 3 years and his parents had all girls lined up for him to see and fix up his marriage. lol! he met someone before he came with us and he was telling how it was. Funny! I was taking to him and in between hush  shush we got , R told me that he really like me and that he would want to consider me for marriage. hahaha. can u believe it!! marriage! one time meet. Anyways, what he probably meant was that if I was looking or something and if I was interested then probably we could take that way and see if it works, but I you know na.. marriage is soo not on my cards and even otherwise i don’t think so. I deserve better. He was okay though. Now I won’t talk about R’s friend and his friend coz they were super boring and R’s friend still was a little funny, but his friend was such a mood spoiler and she was in some complex or something, staring at me and ‘Mr. USA return’/ lol! So then we had dinner and then R was on the cell and me and him were talking most of the time and then R’s friend went to drop the gal home and me and  him were again chatting and it was good. He was not very interesting but yes ok. He did mention he’s going sky diving when he return so ‘1 point’ there.

Then I suggested we go to a club, coz out on Saturday and going home after dinner seemed little unfinished and boring. We went to an ok place coz we were not dressed for clubbing and then we danced and stuff. After some time of dancing this ‘Mr. USA return’ started getting close and all, I mean he tried to and I backed away. What is wrong with boys?? I mean here I was thinking he’s a decent guy and then he behaves like an ass. Anyways I lost any respect for him and then he was also little off type. We danced for some more time and left. Btw spotted such a cute guy there, so wanted to talk to him, but just didn’t happen.

We reached home at 3am and then chatted a while and dozed off. R told me that the guy was very interested in me. 🙂  Wat? you like to hear these things. But he’s not the one for me, so maybe we’ll be good friends, which guys don’t understand, but whatever.

Sunday –

My ol pal ‘Bh’ came home. We’ve been friends since my first job and I am her first fren in Delhi as she doesn’t belong here. She’s married and doesn’t look it at all. She so slim and I am ashamed now. Anyways we met and then went shopping with sis and then came back home, her hubby came to pick her but we insisted she stay and then chatted till 4 am. You won’t believe, but the moment we met till the time we slept we were rolling on our stomachs all the time. God! our jaws were aching man.

I had decided to go to office late and so we were up for so long. Went late to office and then came back early and worked from home and then the guitar lesson. Btw almost one song ready. 🙂 should be able to play atleast 1 song properly in next two weeks practice. 🙂 yay!!

Will be going to office late again tomorrow as one of my colleagues marriage thing is there, so will go there after office.That’s why I’m up so late again. 🙂

P.S: ‘Mr.USA return’ jus found me on fb. I accepted and sis saw his pics and is all like ‘he’s soo good. are you an idiot?’ But I mean he’s here for marriage! I’ll meet him, but only as friends and probably will enjoy all the attention. 🙂

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latest repeats on my i-pod list

I keep on repeating the songs that are my recent favs.. so here’s the updated list:

Wonderwall by Oasis- my guitar tutor plays this so well. He introduced me to this song.

You by Switchfoot – again guitar tutor reason

How to Save a life by The Fray – I heard this long time back as soundtrack of Grey’s Anatomy I think, but recently downloaded it. The lyrics are so real for break up type thing, not that I’m in that thing, but you know sometimes the reality being portrayed so honestly becomes its charm. That’s in this song.

Heartshaped Box by Evanescene (acoustic) – the lyrics don’t make much sense to me, yet I like the voice so much.

Stop Crying your heart out by Oasis – this is also a soundtrack of movie ‘Made of Honor’ which I totally love. 🙂

Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson – I love her voice. The roughness.

New York by Jay Z ft Alica Keys – ‘These lights will inspire you, the streets will make you feel brand new’ – if you know something about me. then you’d know,  I’m obsessed with ‘New York’.

Better in Time by Leona Lewis – I love her voice & style of singing and also the moving on message in the song.

Tree Hugger by Kimya Dawson and Antsy pants – It’s like my state of mind. The lyrics are ‘The flower wished it was a tree, the tree wished it was a different kind of tree. The turtle wish it could fly, really high into the sky and dive into the sea. In the sea there is a fish, the fish that has a secret wish, a wish to be a big cactus with a flower on it’. Got it? It’s about wishing to be at a different place and a different person. It’s also a soundtrack from movie ‘Juno’ , which I liked, but not loved, but like the teenage girls honest performance.

Btw I typed all this yesterday night at around 3 am and when I clicked Publish some weird admin error message came up and then the window closed, but I was too tired to go and check it all again. Thankfully, it was saved as draft today except the tree hugger song.

Autosave draft hurrah!! 🙂

I’m going out with a fren today, not ‘A’, someother group, more about it wen I’m back.

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Today & weekend bucket list!

God! finally a weekend. I feel exhausted, even though I took a mid day off. ?You just feel somethings without reasons, r maybe there are reasons but too complex/simple to see.

Today was a good day! A lot of anxiety and some good words in the end. So, Good. I had the yearly feedback meeting set up for today ans my manager was at my office for all that (she..ya she usually goes to another location that is closer to her place). She had scheduled it for he last hour of my working hour, so the anxiety was building up for the entire day and then there was this ‘what its going to be?’ thing. I had been hearing some news around for my promotion talks and since the position of my senior is now empty and I have been pretty much doing much of it by myself. This was always some rumour type and some hype by my only friend type in ofc ‘D’. She kept telling that it’s on the way and I kept telling her not to raise my expectations coz then if it didn’t turn out then I wouldn’t feel good or motivated at all, but she kept saying and then there did come a thought that maybe. blah! *making weird faces now* Anyways, my manager came to my seat earlier in the day and told me that there are a few things but not to keep much expectations from the meeting. I was like ok. In the past few weeks, she had mentioned to me in a few conversations about putting my name for some award, but she didn’t specify which one. So today in the meeting (which started 15 min before my leaving time) we started with my opinion on the entire year progress and then she came to providing feedback on other items. There were good things and then some improvement areas that I was aware of and few that were not clear to me, I heard patiently and tried to capture much in my head, I talked my part on stuff but the conversation was left in between as I had to leave for the day and then I told her that we need to connect again on this. She told me that she had nominated my name for the highest rated award of the organisation and was hoping it would get through and also that she did nominate earlier in the year for other smaller awards but they did not get through. So YAY! 🙂 i’ll get this one I’m sure. 🙂 Also no promotion for now, maybe in the next cycle i.e June. Hmm. Ever since I came from the meeting my mind is buzzing how to polish myself for the next role that I am stepping in (without official promotion) and what all I need to work on effectively and immediately. I won’t say boring stuff here, but no blogging in office for sure. It distracts me, it pulls me to the better world of words and expressions. It takes my time and then I do everything else at work, but obviously in smaller span of time. So what I’m saying is ‘Be where you are’ has to be done asap.

Weekend Bucket list:

I was thinking it’s going to be a not-step-out-of-home-weekend but then just spoke to ‘A’ and he has this office party tomorrow so he asked if I would join him and I said I don’t know, but don’t want to miss meeting someone interesting, although he’s into IT too, so all geeky crowd 😦 but you never know.I don’t want to miss a chance and besides its been ages since I went for a party and booz. Btw ‘A’ is my long time fren whom I had a fight with 2 weeks back coz he was not making time to meet and was acting like an old man for the past 3 months now. C’mon, we’re close friends. I call him my best friend in boys. Yes! there is a difference in boys and girls friends, for some weird people like me.  

back to the list.

1. Start the book. Actually I was thinking mor like dedicating this weekend to the book, but now I’m being realistic and saying something serious and dedicated must be started. pull previous notes, decide the plot, characters, narration.. anything but something serious.

2. Guitar practice

3. Organise my stuff.

4. Get the pencil and paper out, some sketching might do some good to my creative soul. I’m sure.*Optional

Enough for 2 days right.

And yes… RELAX!!! 🙂

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